A need was felt for conducting the study due to the increasing discipline issues and diminishing moral values among the students in different area. Parents, Teachers, and School Administrators are all looking for ways to prevent the increasing behavioral, discipline, and mental health issues among students. The behavior of the students that were taught from the “Bhagavad Gita” improved substantially. Schools in India are facing a rise in behavior issues, mental health issues, and disruptive behavior. Non-compliance, excessive anger, lack of a sense of responsibility, and the very common “I don’t care” attitude are becoming common among school going children. It is time that the teachings are revisited and presented to our younger generation in a manner that can be practically utilized.
The Bhagavad-Gita is universally renowned as the jewel of India's spiritual wisdom. Gita says,  the  real  meaning  of  education  is receiving  of virtual  knowledge but  question arise 'what  is virtual  knowledge'?  Whenever we see or we feel the universe in diversity and God exists everywhere". "True knowledge is that which teach us to see God in each soul". The Lord says that supreme of all purest knowledge and its essence that knowledge was derived from the detailed study of Vedas and different kinds of Upanishad. The  Bhagavad  Gita  reconciles metaphysics  and  physics,  nivritti  and  pravrtti, psychical entity, and hereditary and environment of men and  gives the  principles of  education clearly indicating  that  education  is  spiritual-social necessity. The teacher must teach his subject with great competence but when the issue of judgement is involved he should let the student free as Arjun was finally left to decide himself whether to fight or not. The concept of the teacher in the Gita is that he must be most balanced. The true teacher not only teaches truth but also demonstrates it. In short, the teacher is vigilant enough to keep the soul and body of his student as well as his own together. The student, according to the Gita, is not a disciple but a learner. But the first and the last characteristic of an ideal student are to surrender before the teacher accepting his ignorance of the subject he wants to know.
Gita is an incredible book because of its intrinsic value in solving the fundamental human problem. It shows us a way to live our life effectively. It will continue to bless people of the past, present and posterity, the only thing is that, one has to choose to expose oneself to it.

As long as individuals do not take the responsibility to make changes in their behaviors, and make better choices, things will not change significantly at a global level. Mahatma Gandhi very rightly said,  Be the change you want to see in others.

Success comes only when we put all the knowledge to use. The Gita introduces our inner personality. After reading  the  Bhagavad  Gita,  one  can  the understanding that it is our valuable historical asset of  knowledge,  and  it  demands  deep  study  and interpretation. We can enrich our philosophical, sociological, anthropological and psychological understanding through the readings of the Bhagavad Gita. In the Bhagavad Gita, much effort has been made to equate Karma Yoga, Gyan Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga, in which meaning of education fragranced. Through the lens of education, all aspects of educational philosophy, i.e.meaning of education,aims of education, importance of  education, learning materials, pedagogy, curriculum,  motivational  techniques, assessment  practice,  and  roles  of  learner  and teacher  can  be  found  and  interpreted  by  and through  a  deeper  reading  of  the  Bhagavad  Gita.


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